Tahun 2024 Segera Tiba, Berikut Ini Ucapan Happy New Year dalam Bahasa Inggris Cocok Buat Status di Medsos

- 31 Desember 2023, 16:10 WIB
Ucapan Tahun Baru 2024.
Ucapan Tahun Baru 2024. /Faizal/

PR JABAR - Tahun 2023 hendak berlalu dan tergantikan 2024. Tahun Baru ini membawa harapan baru bagi banyak orang. Tentunya, harapan untuk menjadi lebih baik.

Untuk menggapai semua harapan itu, tak ada salahnya untuk disampaikan kepada orang terdekat. Sehingga harapan itu bisa digapai bersama-sama.

Berikut ini kata-kata ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru 2024 dalam Bahasa Inggris yang dirangkum dari berbagai sumber. Kata-kata ini cocok juga untuk dijadikan status di media sosial.

Dear New Year, Please let me, my family, my colleagues, my clients and my friends be just happy in this time.

Cheer to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right.

Everyone has something that makes it unique and special, as the years pass in this world, I wish everyone a fantastic 2024

Every day we dream of a world of peace and harmony which govern love and hope. All the best in your life and never lose the will to live."

For a moment I thought that conflicts I went through this year never end up but when he ran the new year, new life, everything is transformed

Dear friend, I want for you with all my heart a happy new year, I have the certainty that this year a love come into your life and you will have much happiness

Everything about the future is uncertain, but one thing is for sure that God had already planned all our tomorrows. I heartily wish a beautiful tomorrow for you and your family. Happy New Year 2024

End each year with a few good lessons and start the new one by showing that you have learnt the lessons of the past well

Dear friend, if you receive this sms is because the light that guides you is close to mine. Hopefully these lights never separate. Wholeheartedly happy new year

Counting days. Hope you enjoy the New Year. Have a joyous New Year, my dear friend!


Editor: H. D. Aditya


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